Chapter 10: Always be Experimenting

If there’s one thing you should be doing all the time as a growth marketer or to become a better growth marketer, it is to experiment.

Experiments lead to failures (and some successes), and in either case, a lot of learnings! The growth experiment loop is the growth marketer’s biggest teacher.

Also remember, from a mindset-building perspective, that everything is just an experiment. This includes anything you do in your personal life as well – and life itself.

It’s good to plan your growth marketing ideas well but don’t get entangled in the brainstorming and frameworks too much because everything is an experiment and you can stop an experiment whenever you think it’s not working.

How to build this mindset:

  • Start thinking of small things you try as experiments and then apply them to bigger things
  • Example: Think about “Should I experiment with this new way of eating?” OR “Let’s try this new workout as an experiment today” OR “Let’s cook something new as an experiment today”.
  • Eventually, you’ll realize all of life is nothing but an experiment and you can try things out you always wanted to.

When you have a process for experimentation, you can easily repeat what works and scale what works the best.

This is the entire essence of growth in life and business.

The reason why I include the word “ALWAYS” in the chapter title and this mental model is because many entreprenuers and marketers stop experimenting when:

  1. They find something that works
  2. They get emotional about a channel
  3. They try to use the same strategy that worked for them in the past everywhere
  4. They get lazy once a process in place is working
  5. They don’t think it’s required to experiment once a sales funnel is automated
  6. They think they’ve tried everything
  7. They’ve failed in all the past experiments

Unfortunately, the last 2 are more common than the first 5. Nonetheless, All of the above points are a trap to keep you away from success.

Remember: You are ALWAYS just one experiment away from taking the business to the next level.

This is true all the time. You are just one experiment away right now to completely transforming your business or startup.

It’s just about trying different things and finding those winner experiments that will help you get there.

And apply this to life as well.

Just like an entrepreneur or marketer may stop experimenting due to all the above reasons I’ve listed, a regular human would stop experimenting way earlier once they’ve accepted the standard path of life provided by their peers and society as theirs.

Instead, experimenting different ways to living life and then pick the one that works the best for you.

Always be experimenting.